Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mini Photo Shoot

Even though it's almost October, B and I had a summer photo shoot in our yard this week. I think it will always be okay for a lime green dress and giant pink flower bow when it's 90 degrees out. Besides, we don't really have seasons in Texas anways...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Guess who's walking?

Finally!!! At her 15 month appt, the doctor told us she was "neurologically capable" of walking, but apparently wasn't ready to branch out on her own. A couple weeks later she's finally decided it's time to take off. And you know my rule about not talking in baby voice on camera? Well. I broke it this time. I figured it's okay since walking is such a monumental occasion.

Check out her feet after hanging out on the front porch. I'm teaching her young that going barefoot outside is the only way to go. I can't wait to walk barefoot across the lawn at the Arboretum with her. Or on some good Saint Augustine. Just so you know, going barefoot in the grass is near the top of my "I Love" list...

And this is her hair after lunch today. She gave a good squeeze at the roots then ran her fingers to the tips to make sure the ketchup and meat sticks were nicely embedded.

A dirty, yet wonderful day!