Monday, September 15, 2008

Sometimes I feel like a bachelor

As I made dinner tonight, I realized that my food selection was quite bachelor-ish. Not being responsible for K this evening, I had free reign of the kitchen. You'd think I might create some type of gourmet salad or fancy sandwich - some type of healthy girlish food that's not manly enough for a guy to eat.

But no - I chose what I like to call an egg burrito. This is typically my default when I'm on my own, with a can of Spaghettio's being a close second. Tonight I scrambled an egg, added cheese and salsa, and wrapped it up in a tortilla. The kicker addition: leftover mashed potatoes. I was thinking of a Whataburger taquito. The end result was quite tasty.

My point is, I think K and I have role reversal when it comes to the kitchen. We had a couple over for dinner on Saturday night, and he practically cooked the entire meal. [Steak, asparagus, and aforementioned mashed potatoes.] My contribution to the meal prep was re-heating the rolls....which were in a foil pie pan covered with the microwave. Yes - I stopped it when I saw the sparks flying.

I mean he could be a Bobby Flay or even Emeril. Only we don't watch Emeril anymore in our house because one time K yelled BAM really loudly while we were watching it and I got scared. So scared that I hit him really hard multiple times and started crying.

I hate being scared.

Another time I got scared and threw a glass of red wine in my face. We were watching the Incredibles and the robot on the island freaked me out. The sound was turned up VERY loud and I got VERY startled and jumped...throwing my hands up in the air...that happened to be holding a glass of red wine...that went all over my face, in my hair, and on the couch. As I ran into the bathroom screaming, "my eyes are burning!!" all K could do was yell - "THE FURNITURE!!!" The shirt I was wearing was ruined, but thankfully our couch is stain-free today.

Thank you to my dear sweet mother in-law for teaching my husband the domestic skills he knows today. He is amazing and I love him with all of my heart...