Thursday, October 2, 2008

I've been tagged

Apparently in the blogging world there is such a thing called "tagging." If you get tagged, it is up to you to list 5 random things about yourself. I do not make up the rules, and normally would not partake in such games, but with my cool friend Em as the tagger I couldn't resist...

  1. I have a subwoofer for my computer. I've had it since college. Our dorm neighbors hated it, but Cath and I had some seriously awesome dance parties / karaoke nights back then. I still like to turn it up really loudly and sing to my computer screen sometimes.
  2. One time I did a cartwheel in my office. It was back in the old day when we had high walls on our cubes during the holidays and times were slow. A lot of people were out on vacation. I don't think anybody saw me except for Jan and Steph...
  3. I like to rent movies from the library. Save yourself from going to Blockbuster, people! Recent rentals include Vantage Point, Juno, with Baby Mama and P.S. I Love You on hold.
  4. I know all the words to Estoy Aqui by Shakira in Spanish. Ask Em - we used to jam to this one also in high school while using our thumbs as a microphone. Really - we were cool I promise.
  5. I had a mole removed from my chest today. Kind of gross, but a random fact nonetheless.