Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beachy Bliss

Oh how wonderful it was to depart from the aforementioned Winter Wonderland and fly away to Beachy Bliss. By the grace of God, K and I were able to make it out of the snow laden city on a mostly on-time flight and escape to this for the weekend:

Beautiful Orange County!!!!!!

We decided to make a last minute trip given my upcoming travel restrictions as I enter into my 3rd trimester. We went with K's bro Daniel and his wife Mary, and stayed at a house in Dana Point right off the beach. Words can't describe how incredible it was to experience the ocean smell, heat from the sun, views from the Hills...

Most of our mornings were spent sleeping in, having my new favorite - Greek yogurt - for breakfast, sitting outside in our pj's. In the afternoon we'd venture down the Pacific Coast Hwy for lunch and shopping or a walk on the beach. On Valentines Day we ate dinner in Laguna off PCH at an Asian Fusion restaurant by the name of Five Feet. I had duck and K had sushi. I was the only one who didn't have a problem finishing their entire meal.

One of my agenda items while on the beach was to take maternity pictures. While my cute belly bump is ever increasing to the size of an un-cute ginormous basketball day by day, I still wanted to document my pregnancy in a way that's impossible to accomplish here in Big D's concrete jungle. So we went to the ocean and ended up with these. As a fair warning, you might need to whip out a pair of sunglasses to minimize the glare from my white belly.

And last - I couldn't resist purchasing this for baby so she can go to the beach with us next year. How adorable!!!!!!


Renee said...

I love the pregnancy pictures!!!!!!! You are so cute!!!!