Monday, March 15, 2010


...I like to eat standing up in the kitchen. Like tonight. I had a PB&J sandwich, blackberries, Greek yogurt, a tall glass of skim milk, and brussel sprouts. I made myself eat the brussel sprouts. They were pretty gross, but I'm attempting to eat 1 vegetable per week minimum given baby. You'd think I could hold myself to higher standards seeing as how our unborn child's health is at stake, but I'm banking on the fact that my prenatal vitamins (which I take religiously) contain sufficient nutrients.

Sometimes I iron my clothes with my Chi when I'm in a hurry in the morning. Not like a full-on iron, but just if I see a wrinkle or 2. It's hot, easily accessible, and way more efficient than whipping out the ironing board and iron when I'm already running late. Is that bad?

And sometimes I am still in disbelief that I'm about to become a mom!!!!!!!! I'm around 31 weeks (gasp!!) and am now going to the doctor every 2 weeks. Baby's head has been down the past 2 visits, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she stays that way. Instead of sharp jabs, her movement is now more like an entire arm or leg scraping against the wall of my stomach as she twists and turns. She's gotten the hiccups a few times which is the most amazing thing ever. I still can't begin to imagine what it will be like once she's here, and in the meantime am making the most of each precious moment that K and I have together with each other, family, and friends before this monumental change occurs.

Below is the most recent belly shot. Thanks to my insanely short torso, she has nowhere to go but out. Contrary to popular belief, my doctor specifically said at my last appointment that baby is "not huge," rather she is average size and measuring right on track. Breathing is becoming somewhat of a challenge at night when I lay down and I'm on the verge of adopting a full-out waddle, but otherwise all remains well...


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

LOL!!! You iron your clothes with your flat-iron??? I LOVE IT! That made me literally LOL. :) Your belly shot is so cute!!! Like the B&W! :) Can't believe you're at 31 weeks.

Erin said...

girl, why are you doing that to yourself? brussel sprouts? geez. start with something like carrots...sweet beans.

i laughed at the ONE veggie a week. oh my. :)

your baby bump is beautiful!