Friday, September 24, 2010

4 Months Old

Height: 26 cm - 95th percentile
Weight: 13 lbs, 7.5 oz - 50th percentile
Head circumference: On a piece of paper in her diaper bag in her room where she's currently napping. To be honest I've never understood the significance of this stat...

--B's 4 month doctor's appointment went well, although her vaccines left behind some serious welts this time.
--Surprisingly, her bottom left tooth is already in with the adjacent tooth about to pop through any day now. She continues to drool nonstop and puts anything and everything into her mouth.
--Her hair color is turning a little lighter, and her eyes are still beautiful blue!! Mine were blue until at least 18 months (maybe longer?) then turned hazel-ish.
--Still loves bright colors. Is becoming increasingly aware of her surroundings and reaches out for toys, books, anything in front of her unless she gets distracted by something else.
--She's rolled over from tummy to back, but not back to tummy quite yet. I get so excited when she reaches each milestone, but a feeling of bittersweetness follows as I realize once again how quickly she's growing!!


crist family blog said...

Amazing it seems like yesterday that you just had her. Treasure these moments as they do go by fast. Miss you guys much. Addi just got her two top teeth in so we have a total of 4. Sounds like Brooke will have more teeth than Addi the way she is getting them :-) Addi first bday went well and hard to believe a year as gone by already. Pics are on my blog. Hope all is well

Kate said...

hoping she's 26 inches not cm..hehehe! I can't believe how big she is! She is a cutie!