Thursday, October 7, 2010

Update on the Insanity

Oh yes, the insanity continues; however, it's dwindling down slowly but surely now that we're in our new house. The move is over and done with for the most part, although we still have a few things at our old house that we need to move over. Pictures will be forthcoming. We hope to have curtains in the next week or so which will make a big difference. Of course the decor is still far from perfect, but I'm accepting the fact that it's going to take time to get things the way we like it.

We have managed to have some fun in between all of our recent craziness. It's October, which means State Fair time, which means that I'm one happy camper. We introduced B to Big Tex this year and pushed her around in the Bob. She was a champ and looooooved her first corny dog.

This is one of my favorite pictures and totally shows who she is - laid back, taking her paci out of her mouth to chew on it instead of suck on it, with her tiny toes curled around the stroller bar in front of her.

For K's birthday we made our first mini vacation to Possum Kingdom Lake. While B did have a breakdown on the way out there, for the most part she stayed on schedule and took great naps and slept really well in her pack and play. I'm sure you can tell by my really tan skin that we've been out in the sun a lot this summer. I hope my golden glow stays through the winter.

And lastly - here's a close up of her 2 teeth that are popping in. Yowza.


Erin said...

I LOVE IT! dying to hold that girl and kiss her sweet cheeks. seriously, could she be any cuter and photogenic? love the state fair day i'll finally get up there for it. love you!

the Dominys said...

Oh she is SO CUTE. I love those little toes. I can't wait to see her again; I can't believe how big she is. And you look great, Stace!