Sunday, October 21, 2012


--We've been having a lot of tamales lately after stocking up at local farmers' markets.  Does anyone else eat tamales with ketchup?  Because I thought this was normal, but just found out that apparently it's not.  And Thanksgiving ham with mustard?  Also normal to me.  The perfect mixture of flavors!
--I remember in high school (probably junior high too), all I wanted was a TV in my room.  I was deprived for so long until Santa finally brought me one for Christmas.  Now, I would give anything NOT to have a TV in our bedroom.  It takes away from so much - sleep, conversation with my husband, reading.  So much noise and distraction during a time that's supposed to be for winding down, for reflection on the day's events, time for peace and quiet.  Funny how things change as you get older.
--My Mom's group started back up for the fall and it is a true breath of fresh air.  Oh how I need fellowship with other exhausted women!  It helps me regain perspective and realize that I'm not the only one out there that thinks parenting is hard.
--I've been reading more about eating natural foods - this whole Paleo trend.  I think I'm going to jump on the bandwagon soon if we can stomach the cost of shopping at Whole Foods.  Perhaps baby steps first - just focus on the dirty dozen and go from there.
--The State Fair is here!!!  I just refrained from writing a thousand exclamation points after that statement.
--I'm drinking a blueberry beer as I write this while K is back burping our son.  He is a good man, a fabulous father, the love of my life.
--Have y'all heard Some Nights by Fun?  I typically don't let the radio go past volume 10 when driving in the car with the kids, even though I'd prefer 20+ with the windows down on this one.  Should've Been by Citizen West (I think?) is another current fave.
--We are obsessed with the food truck Cajun Tailgators and have eaten there twice in the past week.  Their boudin balls are delightful and heavenly.  K loves the crawfish pistolette.
--People always ask where C gets his red hair.  This is me when I was a baby.  K's grandma also had red hair, so it's on both sides of the family.

--We missed the window for garden planting this fall, although still have some peppers leftover from the summer along with some tomato transplants that my Dad sent up to the big D for us.  We harvested a giant batch of poblano peppers and jalapenos last weekend and made this recipe.  It was goooooood.  B and I also made a fresh batch of bread dough on Saturday and plan to bake it up to go along with strawberry freezer jam that I experimented with this week.  Mmmmm!!
--My bro tells me Seasons of Love has been neglected.  Sadly he is right...