Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3 Months Old

Our sweet daughter is still growing like a weed and is 3 months old today - can you believe?? A few likes and dislikes at this age:

--Attempting to stick her entire fist in her mouth
--Her swing
--Kicking her legs while cooing in her pack and play
--Her paci
--Being held while walking around
--Riding in the car
--Bright, colorful toys

--Afternoon naps
--Tummy time
--Being hungry and overtired
--Losing her paci

She's mastered Zoolander's blue steel look:

And also enjoys sitting up like a big girl in her bumbo:

Her squeals of delight when she sees me peek over her crib in the morning and the way she holds onto my finger when she's nursing are 2 of the many priceless moments that I am so lucky to cherish while being at home with her all day. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for working so hard to support our family. This baby girl is the joy of our lives and we love her so unbelievably much!

P.S. Happy Birthday today, Mimi!!!


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

WOAH!!! Did I blink? She's so big!!!! ANd let me say- in the first picture I thought, "WOAH! SHe looks JUST like you!!!" Then I scrolled down adn saw the second picture adn thought, "WOAH! She looks just like K!" So...in conclusion, she's a great mix of you both. :) BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

the Dominys said...

She is so adorable Stace. I love her sweet sunshine smile. I'm glad you're appreciating the time you have with her, it's such a blessing.

...have you been reading the book? Just wondering ;-)