Friday, January 14, 2011

What you've all been waiting for....

...will have to wait. What do you mean what we've all been waiting for? You've been waiting haven't you? Oh yes, you have. For the one thing that really matters on this little here blog of mine. And that is not verbiage from yours truly, but rather pictures of my offspring. She has officially stolen the show that's for sure. And I can see why as she's absolutely the most adorable baby in the world!! But - you're stuck with boring old me until I figure out how to download the pictures from our fancy new camera onto my computer. Pictures of her laughing, playing on the hardwoods underneath the barstools as she rolls off her play mat, opening Christmas presents and chewing on bows, flashing her 6 pearly whites. This girl has been up to a lot lately!!! And I promise - photo proof is coming...