Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Look what I can do!!

B can crawl on her hands and knees - finally!!!!!! While she's been able to pick up a fine piece of grass off the floor with her thumb and forefinger for ages, gross motor skills - specifically crawling - have been a little harder to master. I think honestly the problem lies in that we spend most of our time on hardwoods. She has mastered an army crawl that allows her to propel herself forward on her stomach with her toes, sliding on her clothing while avoiding contact with her knees. Much more comfortable than putting weight on all fours on a surface as hard as a rock, I assume. I took this video today - on her way to "read."

She's always loved walking - not on her own, but gets super excited to practice while holding onto our fingers. Now, she gets jazzed at the sight of her lion. [Forgive the darkness - forgot to turn on the light.]

Needless to say, my days have now become fully devoted to baby proofing and following this child around to make sure nothing dangerous is in her path. Such bittersweet milestones!!!


Jen said...

B!!! I need to come see this for myself :) SO cute!

Kate said...

E took forever to crawl on the hardwoods too! She's has that same lion and LOVES it!

Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Bittersweet indeed!!! I feel like I"m back in the newborn stage and get nothing done anymore, but it's such a fun fun age!!!!

She is adorable! Love the video!!!