Sunday, February 19, 2012

Big Girl Art

So I have this grand plan to potty train B, wean her of her paci, and move her to her big girl bed all within the next few months. As time passes and I see my previously calm, compliant daughter turning into a strong-willed toddler, I'm beginning to rethink my ambitious goals.

Really the only one of these 3 that has to be accomplished is the move to her big girl room as baby boy will be inheriting the nursery. So over the past few weeks I've been thinking out bedding, furniture placement, bookshelf decor, art, etc. As a result, I've created several projects for myself, one of which I'm quite excited about - what I like to call B's "sunshine" project...

This little girl brings so much light to our lives, so I thought it appropriate to incorporate the popular "You are my Sunshine" quote into her room. I found a couple of amazing art designs on etsy that I used as my inspiration. After a trip to Michaels to stock up on scrapbook paper, a free Saturday night, and an O'douls to quench my thirst (wild and crazy!!), this is what I've come up with so far:

I found 4 matted white frames on sale, and plan to hang them above her bed either horizontally or in a quadrant - whichever looks best once the final product is complete. I'm planning a butterfly for "My Only Sunshine," and am still clueless as to what to put on "When Skies Are Gray." Maybe a couple flowers? A work in progress to say the least, but one that I hope B can appreciate one day and also one that has provided an outlet for my inner craftiness that's blossomed since I've become a stay at home mom. ..


Anonymous said...

Lol. You and your O'douls...

Jennie Jones said...

Soo cute! I sing this song to Harper every night and plan to put a painting I made in her big girl room, too! For the "Skies are gray" maybe you could do a cute little umbrella? Love your project!!!