Wednesday, April 11, 2012


--B got to play with her first roly poly this week. I love roly polies. When I was little I remember playing with them on the back porch - I would put grass in a cool whip bowl and that would be their home, and then I'd color with sidewalk chalk really hard on the rough concrete and sprinkle the chalk dust over the top of the bowl like it was snowing. Poor roly polies.

--K finished B's shelves and they look AWESOME!!!

--I got this in the mail last week. Apparently my 1st gen nano had a battery with the potential to explode, so they recalled it and were supposed to send me a new 1st gen after I sent my old one in. Given that I'm not a Mac fanatic I don't really know much about their current products, but I'm pretty sure this is a brand new current model. Thank you, Apple.

--B proved that she's going to be a great big sis by carefully giving our friends' sweet baby his pacifier while they were over for a visit this weekend. Love how nurturing she is!!

--Easter was amazing. We got dressed up and went to church, took a family picture, dyed Easter eggs, then B had an egg hunt in her panties inside to avoid the rain outside.

--It's official. Baby boy will be arriving May 30. To answer the most commonly asked questions: I promise there is only 1 baby in my giant belly. And no, we haven't even talked about names yet. As in don't even have a list of potentials - except for maybe 1 name that I like and K is iffy about. We'll figure it out eventually, right?


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Such a beautiful girl in her Easter dress! Happy Easter to y'all! He is Risen!

Yea for baby boy getting here so soon! Brooke will be such a great big sister. It's amazing seeing your baby become a big sister and delight in their sibling!

Love you!