Saturday, May 19, 2012


Sooooooo I'm in a blogging slump. I was doing so well there for a while, but lately haven't been motivated or creative enough to post.  Since my free time at night is nearing an end with baby's pending arrival, I figure it's time to jump back on the blogging bandwagon for a couple weeks at least.  Lots has happened between now and April 11, so for starters I figured it best to start with the exciting stuff - like B's 2nd birthday party!!!

We had a small celebration a couple weeks early just in case little man decides to come before the end of the month.  On a recent trip to Party City I gave B a choice of Elmo or Hello Kitty decor.  She chose Elmo.  So I added a few Sesame Street touches and opted to mostly reuse last year's decorations from b-day #1 and called it a party.

Over the fireplace we hung her b-day banner that I plan to use every year, and topped the mantle with Elmo party favor bags for her friends.  For the record I don't know where any of us would be without Pinterest.  While I don't have an account since I'm still anti-FB and anti-Twitter, I peruse the home page often and bookmark the things that I just can't live without.  Both the party favor bags AND awesome Elmo fruit tray idea (pic farther below) were Pinterest-inspired.

For food I stuck with a similar menu compared to last year as well - a giant cupcake for B's smash cake, cupcakes and brownies for everyone else, baked corn dip and salsa, bagel bites, pigs in a blanket, veggie tray, Elmo fruit tray, goldfish and PB M&M's.

We practiced singing Happy Birthday the week beforehand, and every time B got really excited.  Huge smile on her face, clapping hands and saying "yaaayyyy" at the end.  When it came time for the real thing she must've been overwhelmed because she just got a blank, emotionless stare on her face while everyone else sang to her.

And then she hilariously stuck her entire face in her cupcake. :-)


Daddy finally got a smile!

With Grammy and Grandpa:

With Mimi and Pop:

After cake it was time for presents.  This girl has some seriously amazing family and friends who are so thoughtful and love her like crazy, because she got some wonderful gifts!!  Grace was an awesome helper when it came to unwrapping.

Trying out her red radio flyer trike!!

And nervously testing out the sandbox with her bare feet.  Something we're still working on fully enjoying!

When you ask her how old she's going to be, she excitedly proclaims, "fwee!!"  Surely by the time her real birthday arrives she'll master saying two instead.  Happy early Birthday, sweet girl, and thank you to everyone who helped make her party such a special occasion!!


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Oh my gosh, can't believe she's two and LOVE the party! LOVE love love hte elmo fruit tray!!!!!! Is that the cutest thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, almost. Pretty sure your sweet baby girl is the cutest thing ever!!!! Happy Birthday, B!!!