Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Attempt to Un-jinx

B's real birthday is tomorrow.  We are so excited to celebrate it with just the 3 of us - our small family that's about to expand to 4.  K is taking off work and we're planning a trip to the aquarium, have chocolate chip muffins made for breakfast with a candle on top, about to set up her new fun tent to explore when she wakes up in the morning...

I have a doctor's appointment at 8:45 am.  It should be quick and easy - my last one before scheduled C-section, just a simple heartbeat check.  My doctor has not been checking to see if I'm dilated or not to avoid unnecessary contractions against my existing uterine scar.

Every appointment I've had has either been on a Monday or a Wednesday, mostly Wednesday.  Except today my doctor was at another clinic so I had to schedule for Thursday.  Again - the same day as B's birthday.  And since we've found out that I was pregnant, I've been adamant about having our 2 kids' birthdays as far apart as possible so they can celebrate their respective special days independently.  No combined parties, no joint festivities - each with their own friends and own individual parties.

But for some reason I have this feeling that tomorrow something is going to be a little off and my doctor's going to say that we need to deliver baby boy that afternoon.  ON B's BIRTHDAY!!!!!  And then our 2 children will have the EXACT SAME BIRTHDAY.  Exactly what I've been hoping to avoid since day 1!!!!!!!!

SO - remember how I thought I was going to fail my glucose test so I had a giant chocolate brownie peanut butter sundae and blogged about it the day before?  Miraculously, I passed, so I thought if I blog about a potential early delivery then the exact opposite will happen and baby boy will arrive in a week instead of tomorrow.  It's worth a shot, right?  But really - God has his own perfect timing.  I might as well just embrace it since He knows the exact time and date that this baby is entering the world!

Here we are in the mirror - oh my.

And as a random size update, B remains tall and skinny - 10% for weight and 85% for height.  Love this sporty chick in her Air Jordans!