Thursday, January 24, 2008

Title Explanation

Contrary to popular belief, the title of my blog - Seasons of Love - is not a reference to soft porn, as suggested by my endearing husband. I would like to point out the fine text / subtitle at the top of the page underneath the bolded header. Here you will see that I am specifically applying the meaning from the theme song of my favorite musical - Rent - to my own personal life.

It's funny that this is my favorite musical because it's about a bunch of gays and lesbians who all have AIDS. I wouldn't consider myself the most liberal person, and the overall theme of homosexuality combined with terminal illness is pretty scandalous in my mind. Really what it comes down to is that I absolutely love the music...

Most of you have probably heard Seasons of Love, only you might think the title is, "525,600 Minutes," as this is how the song begins. Given that the majority of the cast members are dying, they're hypothetically trying to determine the best way to measure their lives. They finally come up with the primary indicator of a life well lived being, of course, Seasons of Love. How true this is! To be fully known and fully loved regardless of the circumstance, and to experience God's unwavering love throughout ALL seasons is genuinely magnificent.

A final piece of advice: Don't "rent" the movie - it's cheesy, terrible, and not nearly as captivating on the big screen as it is on stage. If you're that anxious to learn more about this amazing production, download the soundtrack and you'll be golden...


Anonymous said...

Stacy. Love the Blog. Thanks for sharing your lives with us. I will be a reader often. Having only a slight head start on you and Kevin as to the number of years married (Carolyn and I will pass the four year mark later this year) I wish to offer you additional titles for your blog should you choose to change titles yearly. Instead of showtunes, or musicals, or whatever they are called, I will stick with what I know best….rap music. So here are some possible future titles based loosely on what your first few years of marriage may bring…. Year one – “It’s Tricky” by Run DMC. Year two – “It was a good day” by Ice Cube. Year Three – “What you see is what you get” by Xzibit. Year Four – “Mama said knock you out” by LL Cool J. I am, of course joking….kind-of :-). Keep up the blogging!