Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thank you, Gigi

As a follow up to my January 28th post, I'm happy to report that Gigi has worked out fabulously. Her reputation for producing quality work has been fulfilled, and our house is now cleaner than it has ever been before.

Not only does Gigi clean, she takes care of the little things. My most favorite recent example of this occured during the second week of her time in our home. In a frenzy to get packed and out the door for a ski trip to Colorado, I left a rose I received from a kind co-worker on Valentines Day out on the counter in our kitchen. Kevin and I came home to the following:

A used / recycled Dannon Light & Fit yogurt container seems like the perfect vase in my mind too. Thanks for your thoughtfulness, Gigi. You're the greatest!!


Anonymous said...

told you she's the best!! She brought us flowers last time...I suspect it was a thanks for sending her to you :) I hope you guys had a great trip & that you got better in time! Let's get together soon, neighbor.