Monday, July 28, 2008


So as most of you know, we had a rather intense rat problem earlier this year. I am happy to report that DFW Pest Control has successfully eliminated the rodents [knock on wood]; however, it appears that we have an entirely new problem at hand.

I would like to start off by saying that I HATE roaches and snakes. Rats too, but roaches and snakes make me cry. I have been VERY fearful of them for my entire life, and mostly disgusted by their creepiness and nastiness and utter gross-ness, for lack of a better description.

This morning as I went to turn on the water in the shower, I was greeted by a large, nasty roach. He happened to be crawling on the metal cord of our detachable shower head. Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross. I, of course, screamed and ran out of the bathroom yelling at K to come take care of it most immediately, which he did as any great husband should.

Since our contract with the pest control company is still in place from our rat infestation, I decided to request an interior spray TODAY to help prevent further roach sightings. Thankfully, a) they had an opening and promised to be at our house between 1:00 - 3:00 pm, and b) I have an awesome boss who agreed to let me work from home for the afternoon.

The first thing I usually do when I get home is let Abby out in the backyard. I typically walk out with her, just to make sure she takes care of her business, etc. As I walked outside with her today, I happened to hear a rustling noise in the leaves by our trash bin. I turned around, and saw not 1, but approximately 3-4 snakes frolicking together out on the patio.


I screamed for the 2nd time today, and started crying by myself on our driveway. It was a feeling of sheer panic combined with a radical wave of heebie jeebies. I continued crying and yelled, "OH MY GOSH" to the trees several times, jumping all around in shivers over how disgusted I was to see MULTIPLE slithery snakes in our own backyard.

After coming to the terrifying realization that the only way back into the house was to run within inches of the snakes, I grabbed Abby by the collar, counted to 3, and ran screaming as fast as I could towards the back door. By the grace of God, I made it inside safely.

K called our neighbor Les, who graciously came over and eliminated 2 of the snakes. In case there happens to be a snake lover out there, I will have you know that he did not kill them, but instead threw them over our back fence into the drainage ditch so they can crawl back into our backyard tomorrow and rejoin their other snake family members. Then I can see them again and frolick with them once more next time I go outside. As it turns out, they were "just garden snakes - not poisonous and actually good at eating bugs, rats, etc."

I took a picture to show K what we're dealing with here. My favorite part of the picture is Les's cool shorts. He also drives a Vespa, and will forever be known as my personal lifesaver...


Unknown said...

oh Stacy, I heard about's TERRIBLE! I'd have freaked out too. I do not do well with snakes or roaches either. When I first moved to Texas, I wanted to move away because of the roaches!! Cody & I got a good laugh out of the Les picture :)

Anonymous said...

That guy just looks like he is from Kansas........


Erin said...

i understand that this must have been incredibly stressful for you, but i hope it makes it somewhat worth it to know that you brought me incredible joy this afternoon by posting this and giving me the opportunity to die laughing as i imagine the counting to three and sprinting to the door....i totally can envision it and i, no doubt, would have done the EXACT same thing!

love you more than i can say! :)