Friday, August 1, 2008

The adventure continues...

All I have to say is that I am so glad it's Friday. Amen.

Why Amen? I'll tell you why. Between the snakes, roaches, and this evening's adventure of which I'm about to describe, I am so thankful to the great and wonderful and amazing God that the weekend is here.

As I got in my car in the parking garage today after work, it would not start. No clicking, no noise, but complete and utter silence as I turned the key in the ignition. My dashboard lights flickered a bit, but other than that...nothing.

I found a friendly man in a large truck, who happened to be an Aggie, that volunteered to help me out by giving me a jump. Started right up with a short charge, ready to go.


Apparently my battery was DEAD. Like SO DEAD that after I pulled out of the parking garage and onto the street, my car just stopped working. Yes, stopped working. I pulled up to a stop light, hit the brakes, and the engine completely shut down. Turned off in the middle of me driving it. Rolled to a stop and died IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD while I was behind the wheel. Dead.

Praise the Lord I was in the right hand lane. My hazards wouldn't work, so I just got out of my car right there in the street and stood on the shoulder, sweating in my dress and heels in the blistering 105 degree heat, breathing the filthy downtown construction air, by my car...that has completely...stopped...working.

A nice man walking down the median offered to help me push it to a nearby side street; however, I could not get the stupid car in neutral. I knew this guy thought I was being a dumb girl, so I let him get in my car and try himself. Unsuccessful. His parting words were, "I'm so sorry I can't help you - I feel so bad. Just make sure you stand far away from the road so you don't get run over. Have a nice weekend...."

At this point K is on his way to come rescue me. Sweat is pouring down my back and I've waved to several coworkers who have seen me stranded on the side of the road while on their way home. Before you know it, I see 2 parking enforcement officers coming towards me in their bright orange vests. They basically tell me that I cannot leave my car in the middle of the road, and offer to help me push it to a nearby side street.

Same story, 2nd verse. They also look at me like I'm a dumb girl when I tell them I can't get my car in neutral and ask questions like, "Did you put your foot on the break while you were trying to shift gears?" I sarcastically reply, "Yes, would you like to get in and try? I can't seem to get it out of park." Unsuccessful once more.

K calls again and suggests that I call the Honda dealership, so I do. I talk to Vo. He helped me last time I was at the dealership getting my oil changed, during which he disclosed that my battery was getting low. We had a silent conversation in our heads that went something like this:

V: "Lady. I told you last time you were here that you should've changed your stinking battery. If you had listened to me this would've never happened."

S: "I can buy a battery, AND jumper cables, AND a cool tool kit that I can keep for emergencies like this in my trunk, ALL for the price of what you were overcharging me to change my battery at the dealership."

V: "Look who's sweating outside in the heat with a car that stopped working. Sucks to be you."

S: "Shut up and tell me how to get my freaking car in neutral."

Long story short, I finally was able to shift into neutral, got my car on a side street with the help of the parking men, K picked me up, and we drove to O'Reilly Auto Parts for a new battery. Done and done - the hard way, of course - "the luck of the Bowens," as K likes to say.

Again, AMEN for Friday!!!

P.S. As I write this post, there is a wasp or yellow jacket or some type of bug that stings flying around our study. For the love....


Emily said...

THAT, my friend, is a "only to Stacy" story. Love ya girl.