Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sunglasses Sadness + Snoring ZZZZZ's

Today I am in mourning over the loss of my sunglasses. Pit in my stomach sadness. So distraught.

I either a) left my Ray Bans on the bench in the atrium of my office where I change from my flip flops into my heels to start work each morning, or b) wore them inside, left them on my desk and someone stole them from my cube.

How sad this makes me. It's not the actual sunglasses themselves that I miss. Okay well maybe it kind of is a little. But mostly, there was a serious process that went into buying those glasses that occurred when K and I first started dating. When I say process, I mean process. As in, we spent probably around 3-5 days going from sunglass store to sunglass store, trying to find the perfect pair. Most of you know that my middle name is indecisive, and as such you can imagine how difficult it was to finally narrow down a pair. But we did, together.

I'm probably more emotional about this loss due to the fact that I didn't sleep much last night. I had trouble falling asleep, so decided to be adventurous. I got out of bed at approximately midnight to get my digital camera, and then proceeded to record my husband snoring. I got 3 great clips of him sawing some serious Z's in the dark. While this was done primarily to answer his question of, "what do I sound like?," it has ended up providing great humor and some hilarious laughs as I revealed to him my activities this evening. I will spare him the embarrassment by not posting the evidence, but for the ladies out there with snoring husbands, and vice versa, I feel your pain....