Friday, August 15, 2008


Thank you for carrying discontinued sunglasses as you have made my life whole again. I cannot tell you the joy I felt inside upon finding a lovely package waiting for me when I got home from work today, with these enclosed:

In other news, I experienced a sense of deja vu when I walked into the parking garage this afternoon and found a guy in a white explorer with his hood up and jumper cables attached to his battery. I nearly screamed out loud as I approached the passenger side of the vehicle and saw a Chucky doll with fake blood all over his face seat-belted in. I figured it was this guy's way of tricking authorities into believing there are 2 passengers in the car, allowing him to drive on the HOV lane, right? Either that, or he just has some weird obsession with Child's Play, but whatever.

I of course volunteered to give him a jump, feeling as though it was my duty to return the favor that was so graciously given to me when my own car died 2 weeks ago.

Unfortunately my trustworthy honda proved to be weak, inadequate, and incapable of reviving his explorer. I know that the cables were hooked up correctly, because his set has this cool device that displayed a green light when the connection was solid. It was on the whole time. Yet when he turned the ignition, nothing.

I felt so sad and helpless, like the man who told me to be sure and stand on the side of the road so I wouldn't get hit. Maybe it wasn't really this guy's battery after all? Being 4 floors underground, I had no cell phone reception and no other way of rescuing this person from his car troubles in the parking garage. After figuring out that I was basically of no value, he told me thanks and we parted ways. I said a little prayer for him on the way out, specifically that his car runs long enough for him to make it home and does not die while he's driving - because we all know what an adventure that can be.