Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weekend Update

People say that when you have kids, you often look back and think, "what did I do with my life before they were born??" This is what K and I did as dinks this weekend:

Friday: Dinner at Ali Baba [gyros and hummus] followed by a night watching the Olympics. Michael Phelps is a machine.

Saturday: New cell phone, brief shopping due to tax free weekend, Target, bath for Abby, and the best part - dinner with old high school friends at Pappadeux. They were in town from Kilgore with their brand new baby, who is absolutely precious. I love friends that you can catch up and click with no matter how much time goes by, just like you were never apart.

Sunday: Church, leftovers for lunch, updating friends with new cell number, K changing the oil in his car, laundry, dinner with the in-laws, a short trip to Top Golf, winding down the evening with more Olympics.

These are the days....