Sunday, January 24, 2010

6 months and back to the land of the living...

Am officially 24 weeks today. Bump is huge. Have I been eating too much Taco Bueno and too many milkshakes? Experienced death and have come back to the living after fighting through a vicious stomach bug that took me out for a couple days last week. Would not wish that on my worst enemy! I had hoped to be able to say I made it through my entire pregnancy without "praising the porcelain god," but that is no longer a possibility. While my discomfort with the whole having-a-baby process in general remains mild, I'm pretty sick of being gassy. Am going to have to start eating smaller meals throughout the day as the my-stomach-is-so-tight-I-feel-like-it's-going-to-explode feeling is pretty unbearable.

On a non-baby topic, K and I were watching Dirty Jobs last night. Mike Rowe was working at a mattress recycling place. The guy told him that a new mattress weighs 90 pounds, and an old mattress weighs about 110 pounds. What? Apparently the difference in weight can be attributed to dead skin. 20 POUNDS OF DEAD SKIN IN YOUR OLD MATTRESS. That is so, so, so gross.


Erin said...

YUCK - so sorry to hear this! poor thing - as if nausea isn't enough! you look wonderful!

Unknown said...

Stacy...I could have gone my entire life without knowing that little tidbit of info.

Kate said...

You look adorable! Smaller meals come with being pregnant- my vices were Taco Bueno and Banana Shakes from Sonic. My little bump is just enough to be annoying in non-maternity clothers but not really big enough for maternity clothes.

P.S. The gassy-ness doesn't end until you have the baby :(