Monday, January 11, 2010

Babies R Us

I have a bone to pick with Babies R Us (BRU). If I may step up onto my soap box momentarily...

I really do not like this store, mainly because I think it is ridiculously overpriced. I would like to give specific 3 examples of their gouging techniques:

Example #1 - Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperaoo
BRU Price: $104.99

Example #2 - Graco Swing and Bounce 2-in-1 Infant Swing
BRU Price: $167.99

Example #3 - Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper
BRU Price: $89.99

Now. People sometimes call me cheap. I have been known to watch my $; however, my main motive in doing so is opportunity cost. For example, I would much rather use my paycheck to travel to China rather than shop at Juicy Couture. But I digress...

I am absolutely, 100% okay with being called cheap if it means that I can get the exact same product for less money. My brother in-law would call this frugal. You tell me if you had the choice between Babies R Us or Amazon that you wouldn't shop at Amazon every day. Take the exact same examples from above.

Example #1 - Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperaoo Price: $74.00 with free shipping and no tax [SAVINGS OF $30.99 or almost 30%]

Example #2 - Graco Swing and Bounce 2-in-1 Infant Swing Price: $113.50 with free shipping and no tax [SAVINGS OF $54.49 or 32%]

Example #3 - Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper Price: $69.00 with free shipping and no tax [SAVINGS OF $20.99 or 23%]

**Notably, Wal-Mart has prices almost identical to And have you checked BRU's shipping costs recently?? Out of control!!!

So seriously, why would anyone shop or register at Babies R Us? I don't know. Despite all of this madness, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm still registering at BRU. It's like I can't resist the bandwagon - I mean EVERYONE registers at BRU, right?? We even have a Buy Buy Baby in Dallas - which is a WAY better alternative. They're owned by the same company as Bed Bath and Beyond, and they even take the 20% off coupons from Bed Bath and Beyond!! (but only if they're not expired...)

If you feel inclined to support baby Bowen (which by the way this post is by no means a ploy to encourage that in any way, shape, or form), then please - scan our BRU registry (a work in progress) and purchase elsewhere. There is no Buy Buy Baby in H-town (where many family and friends are located), and our sole reason for not registering at is that we don't want to have to deal with mailing returns on duplicates that we might receive. Please people - spread the word and save your money!!!!!!


Leah Robinson said...

AMEN, Sister! I can't stand BRU!! Everything is MUCH MUCH more expensive there! I am glad I have your permission to shop other places for sweet baby girl Bowen. Love you guys!! ~ Leah

Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

You are so good!!! Esp. after spending my evening at SAMS with a clipboard and calculator, marking the prices down and recording the unit cost, then comign home and creating a spreadsheet that I will have as a reference when I grocery shop to KNOW whether something is a good price or not. So...I can relate to your post! :)

Mike and Jeff said...

So, has Kevin gotten used to his new name "Stacy's Baby's Daddy?"