Monday, May 10, 2010

Definitely still cookin'...

As an update from yesterday's post, unfortunately my doctor's appointment this morning was rather uneventful. No change in my cervix, and baby is still floating high. My doctor thinks that I'm not dilating because of the baby's position - she's putting pressure on my cervix and not allowing the muscle to relax and open. I'm now 39 weeks, and apparently data shows that 80% of women in my situation are at risk for a C section; however, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I'm in the 20% bucket!!

The plan going forward is just to wait and see what happens. I go back next Monday for a regular check-up again, and if she's still not ready to come out yet we'll talk about another potential induction as I'll be going into my 41st week at that point. My hope is that baby turns and drops. I've read a couple doula websites and have been practicing inversion, a technique that's supposed to help posterior babies rotate. It's quite the uncomfortable position, but I'm willing to try anything at this point.

Mom and Dad left to go back home today and I'll probably go back to work tomorrow. I really don't want to waste a week of my short term disability leave, and my lack of desire to sit around twidling my thumbs for the next week remains. I find myself getting surprisingly more excited about baby. I think this weekend I was still in a daze - going through the motions and not really processing what I thought was about to happen. Now that attempt #1 has come and gone, my anticipation is greater and I'm more ready and anxious to be a mom. I know that God has a plan for getting this little one out, and I'm ready to fully embrace His will whatever that may be!


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

The wait is killing me- I can only imagine how y'all are dealing! I'm checking your blog obsessivly- so keep the updates coming. :) Love you.