Monday, May 3, 2010

Is there a doctor in the house?

K tells me sometimes that he wish he'd been a doctor instead of a finance major. I used to want to be a physical therapist, but this week I kind of wish I were a doctor too. I think it's mostly because my body is doing all these weird things related to the pregnancy. It's fascinating to me how everything works together, and I have such a curiosity about what's going on with my DNA and baby's DNA at the moment.

I had my 38 week check up this morning. The plan as of now is to induce on Friday night - just in time for Mother's Day! Doctor says baby is floating pretty high, so pray that she drops this week. Am a little nervous about the potential of a C section, but am coming to terms with the fact that it's a possibility and even if it does occur I'll be okay and so will baby. Apparently she's grown and is at around 7 1/2 pounds.

They drew more blood this week - this time to test for bile acid levels. Last week it was liver function. I'm certain that the doctor wants to rule out ICP - a pregnancy related liver disorder. Everything came back okay last week, but it is possible to have normal liver enzymes with elevated bile acids. Mostly I think they want to confirm that my itching is related to PUPPS and not ICP. [See - how can you not want to be a doctor too after wondering what all these weird acronyms mean and what rare and crazy things they're doing to my body???]

Am continuing to work this week, and probably will do so through Thursday. At this point having something to keep me occupied is better than twiddling my thumbs waiting for our child to be born. I'm nervous about delivery, mostly for baby's health and my ability to endure the pain of labor. Women have been giving birth for millions of years obviously, so I know I'll be fine, yet it's hard not to be a little anxious. Friends and family have been SO supportive and for that I'm grateful. Mostly I just can't wait to meet baby and see what she looks like.

In closing, K just informed me that my labor must be done by Saturday night so we can watch Betty White host SNL. Keep your fingers crossed that all will be well come 10:35 pm so we can see this hilarious old lady on TV...


Erin said...

i love checking your inbox as i'm going to send you some scriptures we (mainly i) clung to during labor.

Kate said...

I am so very excited to meet her and I completely understand your anxiety about all of it. I was induced with Jack and he never did drop- I guess he really liked in there :). My doctor let me labor and progress for sometime before we all made the decision that a planned c-section was better than an emergency c-section. You, K and BG will be in our prayers! Happy Early Mother's Day!