Monday, June 14, 2010

3 Weeks Old

It's safe to say that B is growing like a little weed. She had her 2 week appointment last week and the doc reported the following stats:

-Weight: 9 lbs, 2.5 oz - 97th percentile
-Head circumference: 38 cm - 97th percentile
-Length: 22 1/2 inches long - off the charts

Clearly there are not many 2 week old babies that weigh in the "nines." And she was 20 1/2 inches when she was born. Did she really grow 2 inches in 2 weeks? All I know is that I don't have to wake her up at night any more every 3 hours to eat which I'm praising Jesus for. She was nearly impossible to wake up, and equally as impossible to get back down after being stripped to her skivvies and bombarded with cold paper towels. We had many late night parties during her 2 hour marathon feeding sessions, which typically included girl talk with Mimi, rocking, a dose of Gripe Water to help with potential gas, more rocking, swaying, and more rocking. This girl is a trickster too. Just when you think she's asleep you lay her down in her crib only for her eyes to pop wide open. Except for in this case. She's o-u-t.

Abby has been an amazing big sister so far. We brought home a blanket from the hospital before B's grand homecoming to give the dog time to get used to a new scent and prepare for our expanding pack. She slept with it for a while until our maid washed it with our cleaning rags. She'll sometimes give B kisses and is occasionally curious, but is pretty disinterested most of the time and minds her own business. I think she'd rather be sleeping or playing with her tennis ball or duck toys...

I think B in the swing is just about the cutest thing ever. I could watch her in it and smile / laugh all afternoon. She's so tiny and it's so big!! Her poor little head drops to a 90 degree angle to the right or left when she can't stay awake any longer. She's focusing more on things and stared at the mobile above the swing for a while when we put her in it earlier this week. What a doll!


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Oh my goodness! She looks so much more alert in these pictures! She's growing up already!!!

Jen said...

Thanks for letting me hang out with the 3 week old yesterday!! She is just beautiful & growing so fast!