Sunday, July 24, 2011


B is 14 months old today, and to celebrate we went to the Children's Aquarium. Plus - it's the weekend, and now that B is getting older I've really been desiring more active family time. So we put her avocado-crusted hair up in her signature top knot and were on our way. Some friends of ours went a few weeks back and recommended it to us for being the perfect size with really cool exhibits. I can vouch that their assessment is correct and B loved seeing all the fish.

This is my favorite action shot of B and her Daddy on the way to the entrance. [As a side - the ferris wheel in the background gets me excited with anticipation of the State Fair.] After we downloaded and reviewed our pictures, K stopped on this one and proclaimed, "I look like such a Dad." I said, "I know!! I love it!!!" And I do. It makes me so proud to be married to a man who is so involved with his daughter. K looks like a dad because he IS a dad - one who gladly pushes around a bright red stroller wearing a diaper bag on his back. It doesn't get any better than that.

We saw all kinds of fish. Lionfish:


An albino alligator:

A sea horse:

A turtle:

B loved running alongside the sharks in one of the larger tanks on display, and also enjoyed watching a group of kiddos feed the sting rays. All in all it was the perfect afternoon jaunt - not an all-day field trip, but just enough time to get in some family fun. Love this girl!!!!


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Love the avocado crusted signature hair look...

Love the Dad look....

Love it all! And you all!