Thursday, July 14, 2011


--Recently I made crock pot granola. Mmmm. I got the recipe from my Mom's group. You put oats, maple syrup or honey, and veggie oil in the crock pot and stir until oats are crispy golden brown. Then add slivered almonds, dried cranberries, etc. once it cools and serve over Danon light and fit vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries on top. Way better alternative than a Slim Jim or Cheez-its for breakfast.
--I am so tired of balls on my shirts. Like little tiny fuzz ones near the chest / armpit area. I mean seriously, what causes these? Is it from my arm rubbing against my shirt? Is it from carrying a baby around? Am I just buying cheap shirts? Surely Ann Taylor Loft and Zara are decent quality, no? I googled "balls on shirt" to see if I could find a solution to get rid of them. Let's just say...censored!!!
--My car will be 8 years old in September. K wants to eventually get a Ford Explorer, but I'm totally holding out for a mini van. I think the practicality outweighs any un-coolness associated with driving one. How can you go wrong with a red Honda Odyssey?
--I think my favorite part about B going to Mothers Day Out is that I get to listen to the music really loud in my car when I drive around town running errands. My current favorite is the Rent soundtrack. Did you know that my blog was named after 525,600 minutes? You measure a life in seasons of love!
--And to close on a sad note, it looks as if the end is in sight for our old house. This is the current scene, which means that tomorrow (or maybe even later today) I will drive by only to find an empty lot. We know that selling to a builder was the right choice for us in the long run, but it still is sad to lose a home that held so many "firsts" for us.

Notice they took off the sea green shutters. I bet the builder is preserving them for the mansion that he's about to build since they were such a lovely color...


Jen said...

As someone who spent many years being driven around in a minivan, I can promise you that yes, you can go wrong with a minivan!! Any minivan, red or otherwise :)

Sad to say bye to the old house! Ah, the memories :)

Beth Atchley said...

I think you will have better luck if you call them "pills"

Love you cousin and really enjoy your writing.