Saturday, July 2, 2011

These are the days...

-The days when I go in to check on my baby after she wakes up from a nap and one side of her diaper is undone. And she's pooped. And it's everywhere. And there's an undigested lima bean stuck to her heel.
-The days when she eats dog food off the utility room floor as I put her dirty clothes in the washing machine. And then she knocks the picture frame off the table by the couch onto the floor. And then she opens the forbidden drawers in the kitchen - the ones that give me a heart attack every time she slams them shut and her fingers are millimeters away from the closing gap.
-The days we have company and there's a maxi pad on the end table. A sample one that my baby pulled out of People magazine. One that Daddy opened and let her play with in support of her desire to explore and learn.
-The days that I step in dog doo on the way to check on my garden and nearly get dive-bombed by a mockingbird protecting the 2nd nest of babies born in our back yard.
-The days we watch Sesame Street while she stands at the coffee table and eats goldfish until Abby's Flying Fairy School comes on and she gets bored.
-The days that my baby's clothes are gray and covered with dog hair from army crawling on the floor, indicating the need for me to conduct my weekly sweep of the hardwoods.
-The days she spits out her food onto her already crusty bib and then rubs her hair and eyes with her dirty hands before knocking her milk on the floor for the 10th time.
-The days that we go swimming in her pool on the porch and she eats the water hose and a leaf, dressed in her adorable swimsuit with pigtails and all. Abby supervises as life guard while I snap photos with our camera.
-The days that we excitedly wait outside for Daddy to come home, watching cars pass by in the meantime.
-The days I can hear her sucking on her paci through the monitor as she naps, I'm sure with her arm around her "Wocket."
-The days that she lays her head on my shoulder for just a sweet minute before squirming around and trying to peek over the edge of the chair at her car seat.
-The days that she pulls up on my legs and laughs.
-The days that I wouldn't change for anything.


Lisa said...

Oh Stace, you are describing our days EXACTLY in so many of these!! So great!

Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Your days sound like MY days...minus the maxipad! HAHA!!! Seriously- are we back in the newborn stage?! Life
is suddenly so busy!!!! I LOVE IT!!

LOVE this post!!!