Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Beauty of 7-11

Sometimes I eat lunch at 7-11. Like today. I am a creature of habit, and by default find myself always indulging in the same thing every time I go: 1) a hot dog with onions, pickle relish, and cheese from "the machine," 2) a jalapeno and cream cheese taquito, 3) peanut butter M&M's, and 4) a Dr. Pepper slurpee.

It's a wonder I haven't had a heart attack yet, and have managed to keep my weight below 300 lbs.

This is only my 2nd trip this year, the first of which was initiated by my boss. Big Gulps and chili cheese Fritos apparently remind him of his college days. In fact, he's the one who made me aware of the new headquarters that 7-11 just built. In the past we were required to take the DART train to get there, but the new location happens to be within walking distance of our office!!

Although we were slightly overdressed in our business suits and flip flops compared to the sea of construction workers there on their lunch break, we still had a glorious meal. Oh thank heaven for 7-11...