Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Babies, babies, babies!!!!

So I haven't posted in quite some time, mostly because our lives have recently been spent relishing in a new piece of news that we've kept a secret up until this point. The time to share this news has finally arrived - we're expecting!!!!!!!

We found out the morning of September 11. I took a pregnancy test a week prior because we went to Houston for Labor Day. I knew that mom would want to have margs and play photo hunt, and I knew that we were going to the Astros game and would likely have a couple beers, so if it came back positive obviously would’ve refrained from partaking in alcoholic beverages. Well the test came back negative. On Saturday I started having cramps, coupled with a feeling of oh my gosh I think I’m going to throw up. But it was very slight, not severe, and fleeting so I shrugged it off. Everything I’ve read as it relates to early pregnancy symptoms (cravings, sore boobs, moodiness, etc.), I hadn’t felt any of that. I guess my hCG wasn’t high enough to pick up on test #1 (e.p.t.), because the morning of 9/11 it took all of about 2 seconds for a blue plus sign to pop up onto the plastic indicator.

I have to say, it was a pretty anti-climactic moment. Not that we weren't excited, but for those that know me know that I am so not a morning person. Plus, I think we both just oddly knew that the test was going to come back positive. The night before we were watching TV and K looked at me during a commercial break and said, "I think you're pregnant." I said, "Yeah, me too." That morning we shared a "Yay we're pregnant" hug and then went to work like any other normal day....

Since then I've had 2 doctors appointments - the first at 8 weeks where we got our first sonogram, and then 2nd at 12 weeks when we heard the heartbeat. Both were miraculous. I'm certain at this point that the baby has grown a little bit, but for now my only frame of reference is our initial picture, which live on screen admittedly looked like a flashing peanut:

I'm right at 13 weeks today, and my due date is May 18. I have had NO morning sickness (knock on wood - am likely jinxing myself for an unbearable 9th month), no food aversions, and no moodiness (much to Kevin's surprise yet pleasure). I've been much more tired and my lower back hurts if I walk long distances, but otherwise I can't complain.

Everyone has been really supportive, both friends and family. I know that being a Mom is going to be hard, and having a baby will greatly change our lives, yet it's something that we're both excited about and in much anticipation of. In the meantime I pray for a healthy baby, for a son or daughter who will know the Lord and be called by Him, and for a teachable heart when it comes to parenting that I might follow God’s guidance and direction as a Mom.


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...


LOVE seeing the sonogram!!!!!!! We're just so happy for you guys, Stace. "Every good and perfect gift is from above!" James 1:4 (I think!)


Erin said...

cannot wait to see you sunday - and i LOVE this baby! so stinkin' excited for you.