Monday, July 19, 2010

8 Weeks Old

Ta daa!! The last of the weekly updates is here! I will certainly continue to post pictures of B, but have decided to switch to monthly updates from here on out. Her hair is especially out of control this week, and her expression in the first photo makes me smile. "Seriously Mom? Another photo session?"

Girlfriend B continues to do great. I think she's gone through a growth spurt this week as she's been rather fussy, especially before naptime. As a parent you learn that if one thing doesn't work, you try something different. The "something different" that seems to have worked (at least temporarily) is a new pacifier. She's graduated from the newborn soothie to the playtex orthopedic paci. Has saved us from having to walk around the house while doing multiple squats in an attempt to get her to stop crying when she becomes overtired.

On a positive note, I think she might have slept through the night once this week. I put her down around 11:15 and she didn't wake up until 5:30, although in my book I wouldn't really consider night to be ending quite that early...

Mimi and Pop came in town for a visit this week which was a wonderful treat. We took B to the Farmers Market and picked out some fresh veggies - green beans, squash, the best peaches I've ever had. It's a place I've always wanted to go since living in Dallas but never seemed to get around to. Will be going back for certain.

In other news, B has mastered the art of blowing spit bubbles:

And this is her reaction when I told her we were going shopping at the mall:

I about died laughing when my brother responded back, "Whatever, I bet that was her reaction after you told her Aber Daber just farted!" Ha.