Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Big Girl Project #2

Since I haven't finished B's sunshine project quite yet, I decided to move on to the next one. That way my to do list will stay forever long with nothing crossed off. Brilliant, right? This one I knew was going to take a while and had to be done in phases, so I decided to go ahead and kick it off...

We completely arranged B's soon-to-be big girl room to give our toddler more floor space to play. One of the things we did was push her bed up against the wall. LOVE the way it opens up the space, but hated how one side became splashed with color given our whimsical choice for her bedding while the other remained drab in comparison. What whimsical bedding did we wind up with you ask?

Love me some Land of Nod.

So we had a couple of options - 1) decorate the bookshelves with splashes of color or 2) change the existing chocolate brown curtains, both on the opposite side of the room from the bed. (I know it's hard to visualize what we're working with since I'm too lazy to take any before pictures - sorry!) Choice #1 remains a valid option, but I wasn't really excited about choice #2 because I felt like we needed a neutral color to tone down the bedding (which I love now, but when we first got I swear it was like NEON it was so bright). I know, I know - I said the other side of the room needed color, but just a touch.

Solution? A colorful fabric pennant banner to hang across the curtains!! I surfed the net searching for a no-sew option (this definitely would've been an easier project had I known how to operate a sewing machine), and found one that used this fancy stuff called Stitch Witchery - essentially an iron-on product that can be used in lieu of hemming.

After a trip to JoAnn's I had my fabric, cut out my pennants using a paper template, "hemmed" the edges of each flag then "sewed" them to the ribbon before hanging. Here are a couple close ups of the fabric / ribbon itself, followed by one of the finished product (ignore the messy table and unfinished bookshelves). I tried to get the corner of the bedding in to see how everything ties together...

All in all I love how it turned out! I'm still on the fence about what to do with the curtains - leave them hanging straight? Tie them back? Add a couple more sheer panels in the middle to somewhat shield the glaringly white blinds? We need the ability to open and close them easily in order to block out the light while B naps...

To end with a follow-up item: I think I passed my glucose test!! My doctor never called, and no news is good news which I guess means I can keep eating brownie sundaes every day...