Thursday, March 15, 2012

Garden Update

I love, love, love watching our garden grow. So far we have a big chunk of it planted, with the exception of tomatoes, peppers, and other veggies that require planting after the last freeze. Since we pretty much had no winter at all this year, I'm guessing I could've planted these in December and they'd be giant by now. Maybe? Maybe not.

In bed #1 we have 3 different types of lettuce: Black Seeded Simpson, Red Sails, and Little Gem. The squirrels disrupted several of the seeds before they were able to set root due to their annoying acorn digging, but otherwise everything is growing nicely. The cool thing about lettuce is that it grows fast, meaning you can harvest it quickly and replant more, or use that space for planting veggies later in the spring. The rest of the bed we left empty with plans to fill it with squash, green beans, and bell peppers when the time comes.

In bed #2 we have broccoli and onions with carrots in the middle: Nutri-Red and Danvers 126. The broccoli heads are just starting to grow, and the carrot seeds are sprouting up. Our onions are looking pretty puny in comparison to last year's batch, but there's still lots of time for them to develop.

In bed #3 we planted red potatoes with a small row of more onions in the back.

In addition to the 3 beds, we plan to pot 2 tomato transplants (one Early Girl and the other TBD). Over the past 2 years my potted tomatoes have gone wild compared to the transplants we had in the ground last year, so I'm hoping that the tradition continues...