Friday, January 20, 2012

Belly Shot

The 537th thing that's more exciting than finishing organization around the house? Taking pictures of my pregnant belly to post on the internet.

This time around I'm not really keeping track of weeks, or anything pregnancy related for that matter. It's funny how all-consuming your first pregnancy can become while the 2nd is something that's just "there." I write down my doctor's appointments on the calendar and show up when they tell me to, I take a second to reflect on the miracle of life when I feel little man's kicks, and the rest of the time I'm chasing around our 20 month old and trying to keep the house in order.

That being said, I think I'm around 21 weeks. I kinda hope I'm off by a few weeks because I don't think I was nearly this big at 21 weeks with B. Here's a recent belly shot:

And just in case it's not clear that I'm with child, today I decided to wear a bun-in-the-oven shirt that I found in a maternity wardrobe a good friend graciously let me borrow. Yes - it's short sleeved, yes - it's supposed to be 79 today - in the middle of January...