Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This post is pretty incriminating, only because I'm revealing how cluttery and messy certain areas of our house are. I take full responsibility for this insanity given the fact that the house is my job, but really - going to the park with this sweet gal is SO much more fun than organizing!!!

BUT - I finally decided to stop procrastinating today and made a morning trip to The Con.tainer Store. Normally I would never shop there as I think it's ridiculously overpriced. Why pay $4.99 for a plastic basket when you can get one at Wal-mart for $1.97? But desperate times call for desperate measures. I think my nesting must be kicking in early, and instead of ignoring it I'm going to hold on tight and ride the wave as long as it lasts.

Stop 1: the spare closet in our study. The study itself is a tornado. Every weekend both K and I vow to tackle the piles of mail that have taken over the desk and floor, but that never seems to happen and we continue to make excuses for the wreck. I decided to start small and pick 1 area that needed serious attention - gift bags.

I'm pretty sure I have enough gift bags to open a gift wrap shop. To begin, I sorted them into 5 categories: Christmas, wedding, baby shower, solids, and birthday / random gifts. A before shot of them all over the floor in their respective piles:

And here is the after, demonstrating the solution of a double-sided hanging tote organizer:

Really I think I could've used 2 as this thing is insanely heavy loaded up, and the hook that holds it at the top is bent downwards from the weight. But I have only 1 door, only 1 closet that's "mine" for stuff like this, and so pushed the limits to get it all to fit. In the grand scheme of things it's WAY better than what it was beforehand.

Stop 2: the pantry. To be continued...


Lisa said...

Ohmygosh...this is GENIUS! So exactly what I need to do with my bags and boxes full of gift bags!