Monday, January 9, 2012

A Typical Weekend Day

This picture makes me laugh out loud, not only because I think it's hilarious, but also because it makes me joyfully appreciate the simplicity of our beautiful family. To depict, it's B reclining on the back porch in her A&M chair watching Daddy pick up dog doo in the back yard.

Here's a front view, wearing a Target sticker she got from the cashier on a trip with Mommy earlier in the day.

When that gets old, she decides to eat dirt from a dead potted plant.

Most days when the weather is nice, we go out to the front porch and B runs up and down, watching the cars go by and sometimes pushing her doll for a walk in its stroller.

And then when it's cold outside, we sit in the garage with Daddy drinking Jamba Juice while he works on projects.

His most recent project is building this awesome step stool for B to use in the bathroom or to get up into her soon-to-be big girl bed.

This is the finished product. I love having a handy husband!!

Thank you, Lord, for our cherished family-of-three weekends filled with silly little moments like these that make my heart full...


Rose Ibrahim said...

Hey Stacy! Just came across the blog link and was able to check out your pics with the family! Brooke has grown so much and looks beautiful! So glad all is well with you and hope to catch up soon! :)