Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I really, really, really hate eating at weird times

Growing up, my parents implemented a relatively strict regimen on meal times to 1) prohibit my bro and I from eating whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and 2) teach us the value in having a daily schedule combined with other activities between lunch, dinner, snack, etc. As a result of this, I am extremely, extremely opposed to odd meal times occurring outside the following windows:

Lunch - 11:00 - 12:30
Snack - 3:00
Dinner - 6:00 - 7:30

My family will tell you that these windows are too broad, and in actuality I freak out if dinner is not served by 6:00. This used to be true, but I've gotten much more flexible in my older years - especially when it comes to the weekend.

But okay - in all seriousness let's think about this. Lunch at 2:00, 3:00, or 4:00 is just about the most impractical thing ever. Having breakfast is clearly not enough, because by the time lunch is served your stomach is eating itself. When I don't eat, I get VERY grumpy and irritable. I don't want to just eat a snack to tide me over until a late lunch either, because my body is expecting a full meal, and will not settle until I have just that. And then, there's an entirely separate issue that arises around the timing of dinner. If you eat lunch at 3:00, then you're not hungry at 6:00 dinner time, and then it gets too close to 9:00 by the time you're ready to eat again. Ask my college roommates. I NEVER eat after 9:00. It's a rule I heard on Oprah years ago and will live by till the day I die.

Yes, it's a little silly to get so bent out of shape over a topic as such. I know that I should be flexible with meal times like every other American and just deal with it. But I'm really festering given that I'll be forced to have weird afternoon lunches both Saturday AND Sunday of this coming weekend. Like, I have to force myself to not think about it or I will get in a bad mood.

Everyone has their pet peeve right? And ridiculous rantings are what blogs are for in my mind. I'll get over it, but in the meantime I would highly encourage you to stick with traditional meal times for the benefit of all mankind.

*DISCLAIMER: If you happen to be a fan of eating at weird times I'm sure you're a wonderful person, and this post is in no way, shape or form meant to be a direct attack on your personal character. In addition, should I be invited to a 3:00 lunch that you are hosting, I will gladly partake on an occasional basis with great appreciation.


Emily said...

"As my family can tell you..." Yes and anyone that was friends with you in high school....DINNER IS AT 6 PM PEOPLE!